
Campaign News

It’s inevitable that Australia signs and ratifies the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Keep your finger on the pulse of the campaign by reading selected campaign news below, joining our email list or following ICAN Australia on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Pine Gap’s secret expansion

A new article by Peter Cronau states that ‘the expansion of Pine Gap’s capabilities to assist a US strike on China amplifies the risk of … a nuclear war’. It highlights the dangers of Australia assisting in nuclear war planning and is clearly contrary to the spirit of...

History is calling, Australia must answer

CAMPAIGN NEWS:Last week, myself and a fantastic team of ICAN representatives, led by by our visiting International Executive Director Melissa Parke, returned to Parliament House in Canberra, on Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country, to talk with Australian parliamentarians...

2MSP summary

CAMPAIGN NEWS:The Second Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons took place at the United Nations in New York from 27 November to 1 December 2023. 94 countries and over 700 civil society delegates participated. The Australian...