

Candidates behind the ban

May 17, 2019

Candidates for the 2019 Australian federal election are joining their parliamentary colleagues in declaring support for Australia to sign and ratify the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

If elected, candidates that “pre-pledge” will be listed as signatories to the Parliamentary Pledge (see text below). The following list of supportive candidates does not include incumbents, who are listed here.


Candidates that support the nuclear weapon ban treaty:

Chad Anderson   Independent candidate for Leichhardt, QLD

Luke Arthur   Greens candidate for Chisholm, VIC

Jack Ayoub   Labor candidate for Parkes, NSW

Tim Ayres   Labor Senate candidate for NSW

Jason Ball   Greens candidate for Higgins, VIC

Andrew Bartlett   Greens candidate for Brisbane, QLD

Tom Baster   Labor candidate for Bowman, QLD

Barbara Bell   Greens candidate for Bonner, QLD

Tracey Bell   Labor candidate for Moncrieff, QLD

Karin Bolton   Labor candidate for Grey, SA

Paul Boundy   Greens candidate for Sturt, SA

Anne Bourne   Greens candidate for Mayo, SA

Bill Brindle   Labor candidate for Casey, VIC

Andrea Broadfoot  Centre Alliance candidate for Grey, SA

Josh Burns   Labor candidate for Macnamara, VIC

Julian Burnside   Greens candidate for Kooyong, VIC

Andrew Castrique   Australian Democrats Senate candidate for SA

Nadia Clancy   Labor candidate for Boothby, SA

Libby Coker   Labor candidate for Corangamite, VIC

Damien Cole   Independent candidate for Corangamite, VIC

David Collyer   Australian Democrats Senate candidate for VIC 

Benedict Coyne   Greens candidate for Dickson, QLD

Peter Cossar   Labor candidate for Ryan, QLD

Liberty Cramer   Greens candidate for Swan, WA

Simon Curtis   Labor candidate for La Trobe, VIC

Emma Davidson   Greens Senate candidate for the ACT

Patrick Deegan   Labor candidate for Page, NSW

Kieran Drabsch   Labor candidate for Farrer, NSW

Kamala Emanuel   Socialist Alliance candidate for Brisbane, QLD

Katy Gallagher   Labor Senate candidate for the ACT

Chris Gambian   Labor candidate for Banks, NSW

Kristyn Glanville   Greens candidate for Warringah, NSW

Jess Gonsalvez   Greens candidate for Hotham, VIC

Helen Haines   Independent candidate for Indi, VIC

Des Hardman   Labor candidate for Forde, QLD

Dean Harris   Labor candidate for Warringah, NSW

Belinda Hassan  Labor candidate for Dawson, QLD

Chris Haviland   Labor candidate for Bradfield. NSW

Tim Hollo   Greens candidate for Canberra, ACT

Steph Hodgins-May   Greens candidate for Macnamara, VIC

Antoinette Holm   Labor candidate for Gippsland, VIC

Charles Jago   Greens candidate for Reid, NSW

Mark Jeffreson   Labor candidate for Riverina, NSW

Eric Kerr   Labor candidate for Indi, VIC

Penny Kyburz   Greens Senate candidate for the ACT

Bill Lodwick   Labor candidate for Nicholls, VIC

John MacKenzie   Greens candidate for Newcastle, NSW

Ben McGregor   Labor candidate for Clark, TAS

Fiona McLeod   Labor candidate for Higgins, VIC

Rob Meecham Labor candidate for Curtin, WA

Lee-Anne Miles   Greens candidate for Hasluck, WA

Jason Modica   Independent candidate for Mallee, VIC

Peta Murphy   Labor candidate for Dunkley, VIC

Paul Newbury   Labor candidate for Brisbane, QLD

Simon Northeast   Greens candidate for Corangamite, VIC

Jessica O’Donnell   Labor candidate for Monash, VIC

Daniel Parsell   Labor candidate for Fisher, QLD

Alicia Payne   Labor candidate for Canberra, ACT

Kadira Pethiyagoda   Labor candidate for Aston, VIC

Fiona Phillips   Labor candidate for Gilmore, NSW

Adam Pulford   Greens candidate for Wills, VIC

David Risstrom   Greens candidate for Cooper, VIC

Nicole Rowan   Greens candidate for Mallee, VIC

Stef Rozitis   Greens candidate for Boothby, SA

Kim Samiotis   Greens candidate for Isaacs, VIC

Aaron Santelises   Labor candidate for McPherson, QLD

John Short   Labor candidate for the Senate, TAS

Grant Shultz   Independent candidate for Gilmore, NSW

Joshua Sinclair   Labor candidate for Flinders, VIC

Declan Steele   Labor candidate for Mackeller, NSW

Jana Stewart   Labor candidate for Kooyong, VIC

Kate Thwaites   Labor candidate for Jagajaga, VIC

Kim Travers   Labor candidate for Pearce, WA

Sam Wainwright   Socialist Alliance candidate for Fremantle, WA 

Nancy Waites   Labor Senate candidate for the ACT

Giz Watson   Greens Senate Candidate for WA

James Williams   Greens candidate for Maribyrnong, VIC

Andrew Woodward   Labor candidate for Cowper, NSW

Jennifer Yang   Labor candidate for Chisholm, VIC

Oliver Yates   Independent candidate for Kooyong, VIC


If you are a candidate for the 2019 federal election you may “pre-pledge” by emailing jemila@icanw.org.


Incumbents that support the nuclear weapon ban treaty:

Anthony Albanese MP

Anne Aly MP

Adam Bandt MP

Julia Banks MP

Senator Catryna Bilyk

Sharon Bird MP

Chris Bowen MP

Senator Carol Brown

Tony Burke MP

Linda Burney MP

Mark Butler MP

Terri Butler MP

Anthony Byrne MP

Senator Kim Carr

Nick Champion MP

Lisa Chesters MP

Senator Anthony Chisholm

Sharon Claydon MP

Senator Jacinta Collins

Julie Collins MP

Pat Conroy MP

Senator Richard Di Natale

Senator Patrick Dodson

Mark Dreyfus MP

Justine Elliot MP

Warren Entsch MP

Senator Mehreen Faruqi

Joel Fitzgibbon MP

Mike Freelander MP

Steve Georganas MP

Andrew Giles MP

Patrick Gorman MP

Senator Stirling Griff 

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young

Ross Hart MP

Chris Hayes MP

Julian Hill MP

Ed Husic MP

Stephen Jones MP

Ged Kearney MP

Justine Keay MP

Mike Kelly MP

Senator Kristina Keneally

Matt Keogh MP

Senator Chris Ketter

Peter Khalil MP

Catherine King MP

Susan Lamb MP

Senator Sue Lines

Senator Gavin Marshall

Senator Jenny McAllister

Emma McBride MP

Senator Malarndirri McCarthy

Senator Nick McKim

Brian Mitchell MP

Rob Mitchell MP

Brendan O’Connor MP

Ken O’Dowd MP

Clare O’Neil MP

Cathy O’Toole MP

Julie Owens MP

Graham Perrett MP

Tanya Plibersek MP

Senator Helen Polley

Senator Louise Pratt

Senator Janet Rice

Michelle Rowland MP

Joanne Ryan MP

Rebekha Sharkie MP

Senator Rachel Siewert

Senator Lisa Singh

Senator David Smith

Warren Snowdon MP

Anne Stanley MP

Senator Jordon Steele-John

Senator Tim Storer

Susan Templeman MP

Matt Thistlethwaite MP

Senator Anne Urquhart

Maria Vamvakinou MP

Senator Larissa Waters

Senator Murray Watt

Senator Peter Whish-Wilson

Andrew Wilkie MP

Josh Wilson MP

Tony Zappia MP


Pledge for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

We, the undersigned parliamentarians,

warmly welcome the adoption of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on 7 July 2017 as a significant step towards the realization of a nuclear-weapon-free world.

We share the deep concern expressed in the preamble about the catastrophic humanitarian consequences that would result from any use of nuclear weapons and we recognize the consequent need to eliminate these inhumane and abhorrent weapons.

As parliamentarians, we pledge to work for the signature and ratification of this landmark treaty by our respective countries, as we consider the abolition of nuclear weapons to be a global public good of the highest order and an essential step to promote the security and well-being of all peoples.