Mount Barker, SA

The ICAN Cities Appeal was endorsed by the Mount Barker District Council on 3 August 2020.



Councillor Ian Grosser moved that that Council:

1. acknowledges the victims and survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the upcoming 75th anniversaries of these attacks on August 6th and 9th 2020. To commemorate these anniversaries our Council endorses the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons ‘Cities Appeal’.

2. is deeply concerned about the grave threat that nuclear weapons pose to communities throughout the world. We firmly believe that our residents have the right to live in a world free from this threat. Any use of nuclear weapons, whether deliberate or accidental, would have catastrophic, far reaching and long-lasting consequences for people and the environment. Therefore, we warmly welcome and support the adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, and we call on our national government to sign and ratify the Treaty without delay.

3. write to the ICAN administrator (email, the Federal Defence and Foreign Ministers and all other Federal Ministerial Representatives of Parliament, and the Premier of South Australia, who also has the portfolio of Minister of Defence and Space Industry for SA, indicating that the council endorses the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) ‘Cities Appeal’.

4. issue a press release and notify its residents announcing the endorsement of the ICAN ‘Cities Appeal’.


The motion was moved by Cr Ian Grosser, seconded by Cr David Leach.
Councillor Carol Bailey moved that Council:

5. endorse that Motion OM20200803.03 International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons be taken to the next meeting of the Annual General Meeting of the Local Government Association SA 29 October 2020 as a motion on notice.

The motion was moved by Councillor Carol Bailey and Seconded Councillor Tess Minett



2020: SA Local Government Association

Mount Barker Council submitted a motion on notice in support of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Annual General Meeting of the Local Government Association SA on the 29 October 2020.

2021: Councillor Roundtable

Councillor Carol Bailey attended a special Councillors Roundtable hosted by ICAN Australia to celebrate the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in March 2021.

Screenshots of councillors attending an online Councillor Roundtable in March 2021.