Parliamentary Pledge
Parliamentarians played a major role in realising the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Now we are seeking their help to promote the signature and ratification of the treaty by all nations. The Parliamentary Pledge is a commitment by parliamentarians around the world to work for their government to join the treaty.
We, the undersigned parliamentarians,
warmly welcome the adoption of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on 7 July 2017 as a significant step towards the realization of a nuclear-weapon-free world.
We share the deep concern expressed in the preamble about the catastrophic humanitarian consequences that would result from any use of nuclear weapons and we recognize the consequent need to eliminate these inhumane and abhorrent weapons.
As parliamentarians, we pledge to work for the signature and ratification of this landmark treaty by our respective countries, as we consider the abolition of nuclear weapons to be a global public good of the highest order and an essential step to promote the security and well-being of all peoples.
Any current member of a state, territory or federal parliamentarian may sign the Pledge. It is open to parliamentarians from all countries. To sign, simply email from your official parliamentary account indicating that you wish to be added. Alternatively, send us a scanned copy of the signed Pledge.
Click below to view the list of signatories in each parliament.
Total current signatures: 110
Anthony Albanese MP
Senator Penny Allman-Payne
Anne Aly MP
Michelle Ananda-Rajah MP
Senator Tim Ayres
Adam Bandt MP
Stephen Bates MP
Jodie Belyea MP
Senator Catryna Bilyk
Chris Bowen MP
Senator Carol Brown
Tony Burke MP
Linda Burney MP
Josh Burns MP
Mark Butler MP
Alison Byrnes MP
Max Chandler-Mather MP
Kate Chaney MP
Lisa Chesters MP
Senator Anthony Chisholm
Sharon Claydon MP
Libby Coker MP
Julie Collins MP
Pat Conroy MP
Senator Dorinda Cox
Zoe Daniel MP
Senator Lisa Darmanin
Mary Doyle MP
Mark Dreyfus MP
Justine Elliot MP
Warren Entsch MP
Senator Mehreen Faruqi
Mike Freelander MP
Senator Katy Gallagher
Carina Garland MP
Steve Georganas MP
Andrew Giles MP
Patrick Gorman MP
Senator Nita Green
Senator Karen Grogan
Helen Haines MP
Senator Sarah Hanson-Young
Julian Hill MP
Steph Hodgins-May MP
Ed Husic MP
Stephen Jones MP
Ged Kearney MP
Matt Keogh MP
Peter Khalil MP
Catherine King MP
Tania Lawrence MP
Jerome Laxale MP
Dai Le MP
Andrew Leigh MP
Sam Lim MP
Senator Sue Lines
Zaneta Mascarenhas MP
Senator Jenny McAllister
Kristy McBain MP
Emma McBride MP
Senator Malarndirri McCarthy
Senator Nick McKim
Louise Miller-Frost MP
Brian Mitchell MP
Rob Mitchell MP
Brendan O’Connor MP
Clare O’Neil MP
Senator Fatima Payman
Alicia Payne MP
Graham Perrett MP
Fiona Phillips MP
Tanya Plibersek MP
Senator Barbara Pocock
Senator David Pocock
Senator Helen Polley
Senator Louise Pratt
Gordon Reid MP
Daniel Repacholi MP
Tracey Roberts MP
Michelle Rowland MP
Joanne Ryan MP
Monique Ryan MP
Sophie Scamps MP
Marion Scrymgour MP
Rebekha Sharkie MP
Senator David Shoebridge
Sally Sitou MP
David Smith MP
Senator Marielle Smith
Allegra Spender MP
Anne Stanley MP
Senator Jordon Steele-John
Zali Steggall MP
Senator Jana Stewart
Susan Templeman MP
Matt Thistlethwaite MP
Senator Lidia Thorpe
Kate Thwaites MP
Kylea Tink MP
Senator Anne Urquhart
Maria Vamvakinou MP
Senator Jess Walsh
Senator Larissa Waters
Elizabeth Watson-Brown MP
Senator Murray Watt
Anika Wells MP
Senator Peter Whish-Wilson
Andrew Wilkie MP
Josh Wilson MP
Tony Zappia MP
Andrew Barr MLA
Yvette Berry MLA
Andrew Braddock MLA
Tara Cheyne MLA
Jo Clay MLA
Bec Cody MLA*
Emma Davidson MLA*
Johnathan Davis MLA*
Thomas Emerson MLA
Caroline Le Couteur MLA*
Laura Nuttall MLA
Suzanne Orr MLA
Michael Pettersson MLA
Gordon Ramsay MLA*
Shane Rattenbury MLA
Chris Steel MLA
Rachel Stephen-Smith MLA
Rebecca Vassarotti MLA*
*no longer a parliamentarian
Jenny Aitchison MP
Abigail Boyd MP
Jeremy Buckingham MP
Yasmin Catley MP
Amanda Cohn MP
Sophie Cotsis MP
Tim Crakanthorp MP
Anthony D’Adam MP
Cate Faehrmann MP
Julia Finn MP
Luke Foley MP*
John Graham MLC
Alex Greenwich MP
Nathan Hagarty MP
David Harris MP
Jodie Harrison MP
Jo Haylen MP
Sue Higginson MP
Ron Hoenig MP
Michael Holland MP
Sonia Hornery MP
Emma Hurst MP
Rose Jackson MP
Charishma Kaliyanda MP
Warren Kirby MP
Jenny Leong MP
Paul Lynch MP*
Hugh McDermott MP
Joe McGirr MP
David Mehan MP
Marjorie O’Neill MP
Ryan Park MP
Jamie Parker MP*
Greg Piper MP
Sally Quinnell MP
Michael Regan MP
Janelle Saffin MP
Adam Searle MLC*
Penny Sharpe MLC
Kobi Shetty MP
David Shoebridge MP*
Tamara Smith MP
Dawn Walker MLC*
Anna Watson MP
*no longer a parliamentarian.
Total current signatures: 1
Ngaree Ah Kit MLA*
Joel Bowden MLA*
Jeff Collins MLA*
Gerry McCarthy MLA*
Scott McConnell MLA*
Chansey Paech MLA
Kate Worden MLA*
* no longer a parliamentarian.
Total current signatures: 18
Mark Bailey MP
Michael Berkman MP
Sandy Bolton MP
Nikki Boyd MP
Michael Crandon MP
Craig Crawford MP*
Leeanne Enoch MP
Di Farmer MP
Shannon Fentiman MP
Julieanne Gilbert MP*
Michael Hart MP*
Michael Healy MP
Kate Jones MP*
Ali King MP*
Shane King MP
Amy MacMahon MP*
Jim Madden MP*
Lance McCallum MP
Corinne McMillan MP
Charis Mullen MP
Barbara O’Shea MP
Joan Pease MP
Jess Pugh MP
Mark Ryan MP
Jackie Trad MP*
Chris Whiting MP
*no longer a parliamentarian
Total current signatures: 24
Sarah Andrews MP
Frances Bedford MP*
Connie Bonaros MLC
Blair Boyer MP
Geoff Brock MP
Nick Champion MP
Nadia Clancy MP
Susan Close MP
Nat Cook MP
Sam Duluk MP*
Tammy Franks MLC
John Fulbrook MP
Jon Gee MP*
Katrine Hildyard MP
Lucy Hood MP
Ian Hunter MLC
Peter Malinauskas MP
Reggie Martin MP
Andrea Michaels MP
Tung Ngo MLC
Cressida O’Hanlon MP
Frank Pangallo MLC
Mark Parnell MP*
Rhiannon Pearce MLA
Irene Pnevmatikos MLC*
Clare Scriven MLC
Robert Simms MLC
Joe Szakacs MP
Erin Thompson MP
* no longer a parliamentarian.
Total current signatures: 13
Rosemary Armitage MP
Vica Bayley MP
Meg Brown MP
Helen Burnet MP
Ella Haddad MP
Kristie Joy Johnston MP
David O’Byrne MP
Michelle O’Byrne MP
Cassy O’Connor MP
Cecily Rosol MP
Alison Standen MP*
Rob Valentine MP*
Rebecca White MP
Dean Winter MP
Rosalie Woodruff MP
*no longer a parliamentarian
Total current signatures: 42
Juliana Addison MP
Ryan Batchelor MP
Lizzie Blandthorn MP
Neale Burgess MP*
Anthony Carbines MP
Darren Cheeseman MP
Katherine Copsey MP
Jordan Crugnale MP
Lily D’Ambrosio MP
Daniela De Martino MP
Gabrielle de Vietri MP
Steve Dimopoulos MP
Samantha Dunn MP*
Paul Edbrooke MP
Maree Edwards MP
David Ettershank MP
Martin Foley MP*
Eden Foster MP
Will Fowles MP
Danielle Green MP*
Bronwyn Halfpenny MP
Katie Hall MP
Dustin Halse MP*
Colleen Hartland MP*
Martha Haylett MP
Sam Hibbins MP*
Mathew Hilakari MP
Natalie Hutchins MP
Lauren Kathage MP
Sonya Kilkenny MP
Shaun Leane MP
Gary Maas MP
Sarah Mansfield MP
Nick McGowan MP
Jenny Mikakos MP*
Don Nardella MP*
Fiona Patten MLC*
Rachel Payne MP
Danny Pearson MP
Sue Pennicuik MP*
Aiv Puglielli MP
Jaala Pulford MP*
Georgie Purcell MP
Samantha Ratnam MP*
Tim Read MP
Tim Richardson MP
Steph Ryan MP*
Ellen Sandell MP
Ros Spence MP
Ingrid Stitt MP
Lee Tarlamis MP
Nina Taylor MP
Sonja Terpstra MP
Lidia Thorpe MP*
Vicki Ward MP
Dylan Wight MP
Gabrielle Williams MP
Richard Wynne MP*
*no longer a parliamentarian.
Klara Andric MLC
Lisa Baker MLA
Hannah Beazley MLA
Dan Caddy MLC
John Carey MLA
Sandra Carr MLC
Robin Chapple MLC*
Ayor Makur Chuot MLC
Tim Clifford MLC*
Caitlin Collins MLC
Lara Dalton MLA
Stephen Dawson MLC
Kate Doust MLC
Sue Ellery MLC
Diane Evers MLC*
Janine Freeman MLA*
Kim Giddens MLA
Laurie Graham MLC*
Emily Hamilton MLA
Meredith Hammat MLA
Jackie Jarvis MLC
Hugh Jones MLA
Dave Kelly MLA
Jane Kelsbie MLA
Ali Kent MLA
Jags Krishnan MLA
Alannah MacTiernan MLC*
Kyle McGinn MLC
Mark McGowan MLA*
Simone McGurk MLA
David Michael MLA
Sophia Moermond MLC
Lisa Munday MLA
Brad Pettit MLC
Stephen Price MLA
Martin Pritchard MLC
Margaret Quirk MLA
Cassie Rowe MLA
Samantha Rowe MLC
Rosetta Sahanna MLC
Amber-Jade Sanderson MLA
David Scaife MLA
Jessica Shaw MLA
Jessica Stojkovski MLA
Katrina Stratton MLA
Matthew Swinbourn MLC
Sally Talbot MLC
Christine Tonkin MLA
Wilson Tucker MLC
Brian Walker MLC
Sabine Winton MLA
Alison Xamon MLC*
Pierre Yang MLC
* no longer a parliamentarian
Former federal parliamentarians that signed the ICAN Parliamentary Pledge:
Julia Banks MP, IND
Senator Andrew Bartlett, GRN
Sharon Bird MP, ALP
Terri Butler MP, ALP
Anthony Byrne MP, ALP
Senator Doug Cameron, ALP
Senator Kim Carr, ALP
Senator Jacinta Collins, ALP
Senator Sam Dastyari, ALP
Senator Richard Di Natale, GRN
Senator Patrick Dodson, ALP
Kate Ellis MP, ALP
Jason Falinski MP, LIB
Joel Fitzgibbon MP, ALP
Senator Stirling Griff, CA
Ross Hart MP, ALP
Chris Hayes MP, ALP
Emma Husar MP, ALP
Senator Skye Kakoschke-Moore, NXT
Justine Keay MP, ALP
Mike Kelly MP, ALP
Senator Kristina Keneally, ALP
Senator Chris Ketter, ALP
Susan Lamb MP, ALP
Jenny Macklin MP, ALP
Senator Gavin Marshall, ALP
Senator Claire Moore, ALP
Peta Murphy MP, ALP
Ken O’Dowd MP, NAT
Cathy O’Toole MP, ALP
Julie Owens MP, ALP
Senator Lee Rhiannon, GRN
Senator Janet Rice, GRN
Senator Rachel Siewert, GRN
Senator Lisa Singh, ALP
Warren Snowdon MP, ALP
Senator Tim Storer, IND
Wayne Swan MP, ALP
Senator Linda White, ALP