Ryde, NSW

The ICAN Cities Appeal was endorsed by The City of Ryde, New South Wales, on Tuesday 24th August, 2021.




Moved by Councillors Edwina Clifton and Christopher Gordon


(a) That Council notes with deep concern the grave threat that nuclear weapons pose to communities throughout the world.

(b) That Council recognises that the residents of the City of Ryde have the right to live in a world free from this threat and that any use of nuclear weapons, whether deliberate or accidental, would have catastrophic, far reaching and long-lasting consequences for people and the environment.

(c) That Council therefore warmly welcomes the adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons by the United Nations in 2017, which entered into force in January 2021, and calls upon the Australian Government to sign and ratify it as a humanitarian imperative.

(d) That Council endorses the unanimous resolution of the 2021 National General Assembly of the Australian Local Government Association (seconded by the City of Ryde) which calls upon the Federal Government to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons