Lismore, NSW
The ICAN Cities Appeal was endorsed by the City of Lismore on 13 November, 2018.
Moved by Crs Smith and Marks.
RESOLVED that Council
- Note that the City of Lismore is one of the founding Australian members of Mayors for Peace, an organisation of which the mission is to raise international public awareness regarding the need to abolish nuclear weapons and contribute to genuine and lasting world peace; and, our support for the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), and our commitment to contributing to a safer and more peaceful world;
- Endorse the ICAN Cities Appeal, that is, that the city of Lismore “is deeply concerned about the grave threat that nuclear weapons pose to communities throughout the world. We firmly believe that our residents have the right to live in a world free from this threat. Any use of nuclear weapons, whether deliberate or accidental, would have catastrophic, far-reaching and long-lasting consequences for people and the environment. Therefore, we warmly welcome the adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons by the United Nations in 2017, and we call on our national government to sign and ratify it without delay.”; and
- Request that the Mayor write to the Prime Minister, the Hon. Scott Morrison MP, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon. Marise Payne, the Federal Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Bill Shorten MP, and the Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon. Penny Wong, expressing this view.
(Councillors Smith/Marks)(BP18/1569)
Voting for: Councillors Bird, Cook, Ekins, Guise, Lloyd, Marks, Moorhouse and Smith
Voting against: Councillors Battista, Bennett and Casson