The following selection of publications track the campaign and political support for a nuclear weapons ban treaty in Australia since 2013.
Australia: Disarmament, Arms Control and Nuclear Security Treaties →
History is Calling: Australia and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons →
Black Mist: the impact of nuclear weapons on Australia (2023) →
Submission to the Australian Defence Strategic Review (2022) →
Update on Labor joining the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (2022) →
Troubled Waters: nuclear submarines, AUKUS and the NPT (2022) →
Quit Nukes: the case for Australian superannuation to be nuclear weapons free (2021) →
Briefing note: Nuclear-powered submarines (2021) →
Submission to the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network Inquiry on the US Alliance (2021) →
For the record… Addressing the Australian Government’s misrepresentation of the TPNW (2020) →
Briefing paper on entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and Australia (2020) →
Submission to the federal inquiry into the prerequisites for nuclear energy in Australia (2019) →
The Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty (2019) →
Nuclear weapons and our climate (2019) →
Labor and the Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty (2018) →
Indigenous statement to the UN nuclear weapon ban treaty negotiating conference (2017) →
Prohibiting nuclear weapons – a Pacific Islands priority (2017) →
ICAN’s response to Foreign Policy White Paper (2017) →
Australia at the First Committee (2015) →
Submission to Defence White Paper Public Consultation (2015) →
Worried about a Nuclear Weapons Ban (2015) →
Banning nuclear weapons – a Pacific Islands perspective (2014) →
Undermining Disarmament (2014) →
Labor’s Nuclear Record (2014) →
Australia’s opposition to a ban (2013) →