

The following selection of publications track the campaign and political support for a nuclear weapons ban treaty in Australia since 2013.

Australia: Disarmament, Arms Control and Nuclear Security Treaties →

History is Calling: Australia and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons →

Black Mist: the impact of nuclear weapons on Australia (2023) →

Submission to the Australian Defence Strategic Review (2022) →

Update on Labor joining the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (2022)

Troubled Waters: nuclear submarines, AUKUS and the NPT (2022) →

Quit Nukes: the case for Australian superannuation to be nuclear weapons free (2021) →

Briefing note: Nuclear-powered submarines (2021) →

Submission to the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network Inquiry on the US Alliance (2021)

For the record… Addressing the Australian Government’s misrepresentation of the TPNW (2020) →

Briefing paper on entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and Australia (2020)

Submission to the federal inquiry into the prerequisites for nuclear energy in Australia (2019) →

Choosing Humanity: why Australia must sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (2019) →

The Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty (2019) →

Nuclear weapons and our climate (2019) →

Labor and the Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty (2018) →

Indigenous statement to the UN nuclear weapon ban treaty negotiating conference (2017) →

Prohibiting nuclear weapons – a Pacific Islands priority (2017) →

ICAN’s response to Foreign Policy White Paper (2017) →

Australia at the First Committee (2015) →

Submission to Defence White Paper Public Consultation (2015)

Worried about a Nuclear Weapons Ban (2015) →

Black Mist (2014) →

Banning nuclear weapons – a Pacific Islands perspective (2014) →

Undermining Disarmament (2014) →

Labor’s Nuclear Record (2014) →

Australia’s opposition to a ban (2013) →

Disarmament Double-Speak (2013) →